Monday, July 14, 2008

Satire or Insult?


Anonymous said...

White america has no filter.

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud but then I also understand who the target of the parody is — those who live in fear and believe all the worst of what is made up in order to keep them in fear. Those who really can’t support McCain so must make his worthy opponent something so horrible they feel better about pulling that lever beside McCain’s name.

i don’t think the cartoon will change anyone’s opinions or vote. Those who won’t vote for Senator Obama, still won’t.

It’s interesting. I was reminded of the uproar by those of Muslim faith over a cartoon a few months ago. Seems something new to spin, the latest bright and shiny object that will keep us from realizing our economy has gone to he** in a hand basket, we’re still losing young men and women in an unnecessary war, and the warmongers in the White House are saber rattling again so we just might be at war with Iran before people quit talking about this cartoon.