Saturday, September 13, 2008

And They Say Racism Doesn't Still Exist...

On Sept. 13, 2008, while fixing a salad at a local grocery story in Wichita, Kansas. The elderly lady in front of me, observed my presence behind her, and began clutching her purse repeatedly.


Anonymous said...

YES! It is alive big time!

Anonymous said...

white ppl!

Anonymous said...

Racism is white people's problem, so where ever there are white folks in this country, there will be racism.

Anonymous said...

these things are learned. consider her age. and what were you doing standing there with a camera?

Dr. William T. Hoston said...

I am behind her with a camera phone because when I realized what she was doing, I said to!!!

Anonymous said...

No, I do not think Dr. Hoston should consider her age in this situation. She should realize that we are in the 21th Century. If you continue to practice ignorance, you will be ignorant. This man is trying to make a salad, not trying to rob her.

Anonymous said...

okay. fair enough. If indeed, she IS racist, then I agree, she is ignorant.

Did you ask her? Did she yell racial slurs at you?

I imagine not.

Maybe it had less to do with your color and more to do with the fact that you are male. Or that she has been mugged in the past, and therefore, is uncomfortable in general.

It's unfair to ASSUME that she held her purse because of your skin color.

You don't know that.

And I suppose you completely overlooked the possibility that maybe she was uncomfortable with a stranger eyeing her with a phone, snapping her picture.

I would have held my purse too.

And went to another salad bar.

Anonymous said...

Thats the problem, we are always making excuses for racist behavior.

Anonymous said...

NO, that ignorant woman saw a black male behind her and clutched her bag. I'm pretty sure she didn't see him with his phone taking a picture, because she was too busy thinking that he was going to snatch it!

Anonymous said...

everybody knows it takes two hands to make a salad on these salad bars...Jesus! yes, we can consider this racist.

Anonymous said...

And I bet she didn't even have 10 bucks in her bag..... OOOOHHHH! That pisses me off!

Anonymous said...

Racism is a refuge for the ignorant!