Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Obama's Impact on the Prison: Excerpts from Robert Anderson (#6010506)

Excerpts from Robert Anderson (#6010506)
Lansing Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 2
Lansing, KS 66043

I talked to a guy who hopes he (Obama) gets elected and assassinated. His reasoning is that maybe then blacks will rise up and begin a revolutionary war.
There are those inmates who have made themselves believe that a "black" President means their in power now. They go around telling the white guards things like "when Obama get in office, you gone have to do as I say."
It's often funny to see and hear that guys have actually got into fights (fist) with others about Obama.
On the other hand, brothas are understanding Foreign policy and talking about it. Dudes are going to the law library to get on the Lexis-Nexis looking up congressional bills and actually learning how to break these bills down because the legalese is able to be decoded.
Yes, there's hope! Obama has inspired criminal minded individuals to see their problem as a destructive part of the community and that its important to understand politics vs. government.
Robert Anderson, Public Intellectual


Anonymous said...

I appreciate you giving the brothers in prison a voice. Big ups to do. Keep doing your thing.

Anonymous said...

Brotha I also applaud you for reaching out to these black men. They deserve hope and inspiration as well.