Friday, February 13, 2009

Russell Simmons from The Black List (Volume One)-1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up!

First off, one strp out the ghetto isn't middle class. Secondly, the beastie boys hugging RUN DMC may be inportant to you, but it wasn't some cultural breakthrough.

Finally, the 3,000 in the World Trade and the 5,000 Africans? Of course the Africans dying every minute are important. In fact, I'll go as far as to say they are more important them some goddamn rich investment bankers. But at least be honest and say, "I look out for number one and I am unashamed to be rich." Instead I now am pondering the question, how many Africans would be alive today if you sent the amount of money that shirt you're wearing costs?

Hypocritical! Jesus...

I do like def poetry jam, but Russell Simmons is a dick