Thursday, September 24, 2009

TeaParty: Anti-Obama Rally

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one of the most entertaining videos I have seen in a long time. The old saying that "ignorance is bliss" has never rang so true. They are against Czar's even though they have been part of our Government for decades and these people do not even know what the job entails. I love that Obama is mentioned in the Bible as the Anti-Christ and that he's Muslim. Because his religion was not addressed at all prior to his election. And lastly, my personal favorite, the guy holding the Joe Wilson for President sign who was "not [there] supporting Joe Wilson." Clearly these people are America's finest most educated, at least on these subjects, citizens. It saddens me to see such hate and intolerance in our world. Call me the ever optimistic but I do feel that someday that will truly change and we will become a better world. I just only hope to be able to take part in the process.