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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Inauguration Notes for Attendees

The swearing-in isn’t just a 60-minute ceremony but a day-long commitment, requiring planning ahead and looking at a map to design your exit strategy.
The advisory says that ticket-holders should arrive at least three hours before the ceremony begins at 11:30. The place will be jammed. Streets will be closed and so probably will the bridges and major roadways into the district, unless you’re on a special bus. If you’re already staying within two miles of the Capitol, you should walk to the swearing-in. If you have special needs (like, you can’t walk), you’ll still have to walk, or use a wheelchair.
There will be “drop-off” points for people with disabilities, but “traffic conditions and restrictions may make reaching these drop-off locations extremely difficult.”
More bad news for these folks: “There will be designated areas for people with disabilities in each of the ticketed seating areas on the Capitol grounds, however these areas are limited in size and available on a first-come first-served basis. Persons in wheelchairs or utilizing walkers should be aware that they will need to move across bumpy surfaces, grassy areas, and possible icy areas (depending on the weather).”
If you’re coming by Metro: “Be prepared to wait for space on a train for long periods of time, during which you will have to stand in close proximity to several thousand people. Many Metro escalators will be closed due to crowding and individuals will need to climb Metro stairs or wait to utilize the small number of elevators at Metro stations.”
If it’s raining? You can’t get through security with an umbrella. Bring a hat or poncho.
And if you’re on medication, like insulin, that you need to take at regular intervals, bring it with you. You’ll be there for many hours.
The advisory paints such a grim scenario that you might think the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, which issued the advisory, is trying to discourage people from coming.
Not so, says Carole Florman, a spokeswoman for the committee. They just want people to have a realistic sense of what to expect.
“We want people to understand that if they try to come, these are the obstacles that will unfortunately exist and they should plan accordingly and use their judgment about whether it’s something they want to do,” Ms. Florman said.
“If someone is going to spend the day in traffic or stuck on the subway or on the wrong side of a bridge, they’ll have a worse time than if they stay home and watch on TV,” she added. “We’re trying to be honest and realistic about the difficulties we anticipate.”
This advisory is just for the 240,000 people who have tickets to the swearing-in ceremony, but many of the same precautions apply to those without tickets who are going to the Mall, where more than a million people are expected, or along the parade route, where hundreds of thousands of early birds will gather.
The weather in Washington in January is usually quite cold and often rainy or snowy, the advisory cautions. “Please think carefully about whether you can stand outside in cold weather in a large crowd for up to six hours, and whether you are ready for long delays getting home afterwards.”
And finally, there’s this, for anyone who thinks they will be able to instantly share their experience with friends and family via cell phone: “Be aware that it may be difficult to talk or send pictures from your cell phone, according to wireless companies. Please use text messaging to send critical messages.”
Barack Obama Criticized The Appointment of Roland Burris

"Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat," he said. "I agree with their decision, and it is extremely disappointing that Governor Blagojevich has chosen to ignore it."
Obama's statement, and the fact of his election as the first black president, may defuse the core of Blagojevich's strategy, which is to build support for himself and the appointment by making the conflict about race.
Obama reiterated his call on Blagojevich to resign.
"I believe the best resolution would be for the Governor to resign his office and allow a lawful and appropriate process of succession to take place. While Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning government and major decisions free of taint and controversy," he said.
Jena 6 Member Attempts Suicide

Bell, 18, suffered a wound to the upper right chest, the report says.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Why RICK WARREN???: Analysis of Dr. Melissa Harris-Lacewell

My assessment of Warren does not mean I think he should be silenced, which is how many on the Right treated Reverend Jeremiah Wright. I believe Rick Warren has a right to speak publicly and to shepherd his own church and followers as he sees fit. I believe in religious diversity and religious dissent. I believe in these things for both sacred and secular reasons.
I believe God is ineffable, unknowable, and universal, so no one person, church, or faith tradition has monopoly on understanding the divine. Our inter-religious dialogue is part of how we grapple with the Mystery. I welcome Rick Warren to sit at any table where people of various faiths and beliefs can exchange ideas. Active dissent in religious communities is part of a vibrant civil society that generates a healthy democracy.
My opposition to Warren is specific. I believe a man who opposed same-sex marriage with the vehemence and public organizing of Warren should not offer the prayer at the inauguration. The inauguration belongs to all Americans. It is a moment of national unity. It is a symbolic rendering of our peaceful, democratic transitions of leadership. It is an assertion of our collective identity rising above our partisan disagreements. It is not a time for division.
Dr. Melissa Harris-Lacewell
Friday, December 19, 2008

Is A 2nd Stimulus Check Coming in January? With the latest layoff figures showing massive job losses in November, and almost 2 million jobs lost in 2008, Barron's Weekly says a huge stimulus after Inaugeration Day is "almost certain."
It would include money for new jobs, highway and bridge repairs, loans to homeowners, and tax cuts or checks to consumers. We don't know yet if taxpayers will receive another round of checks in the mail, however.
We will know more as January 20th approaches. Congressional leaders want to have a plan ready by mid January, so the new President can sign it on inaugeration day.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tim Tebow of Florida University
Thursday, December 11, 2008

FBI agents arrested Gov. Blagojevich on Tuesday on federal corruption charges related in part to the selection of a replacement for Obama's Senate seat, which became vacant after the presidential election.
A Little Black Girl
"The little girl, who had just opened her coloring book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, "What would you like to talk about??"
"Oh, I don't know," said the stranger, "Since you are a Negro, do you think that So-called President Elect Barak Obama is qualified for the job??" And he smiles.
"OK" , she said, "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass -. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is??
"The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea."To which the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss President Barak Obama...when you don't know sh**??"
Obama Worker Beatin!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Disgraced Governor

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Republicans Best Chance in 2012
Obama speechwriter Favreau learns the perils of Facebook

Pictures of Favreau, 27, at a recent party appeared on Facebook Friday. In one of the photos, Favreau, who served as President-elect Barack Obama’s chief speechwriter during the campaign season, was dancing with a life-sized cardboard cut-out of future secretary of state Hillary Clinton. In a second photo, a friend was offering the cutout a bottle of beer while Favreau stood beside the likeness with his hand on the cardboard New York senator’s chest.
The picture was reportedly up for a scant two hours or so before Favreau removed it, along with every other picture of himself beyond his profile photo — but there’s no getting the Facebook genie back in the bottle.
Favreau wasn’t talking to reporters about the incident, but transition officials said he had offered an apology to Clinton.
The Clinton camp reaction? "Sen. Clinton is pleased to learn of Jon's obvious interest in the State Department, and is currently reviewing his application," Clinton aide Philippe Reines told the Washington Post.
Mom Scratched B-Word Onto Son's Forehead

The boy's mother -- Sherri A. Feuston, 30 -- when questioned about the incident, told police she was just playing around with her son. She said she sat on the boy's chest and wrote the word as they were roughhousing.

Clark County District Attorney David Roger said Simpson was offered a deal for less prison time than the nine- to 33-year prison terms the graying former football star was sentenced to on Friday for kidnapping and assaulting two sports memorabilia dealers with a deadly weapon.
"Mr. Simpson wanted something just short of a public apology," Roger said. "We didn't think that was appropriate."
Words from OJ, "I didn't want to steal anything from anyone. ... I'm sorry, sorry. I just wanted my personal things. I was stupid. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was doing anything illegal. I thought I was confronting friends. I thought I was retrieving my things. I didn't mean to hurt anybody and I didn't mean to steal anything."
Friday, December 5, 2008
533,000 Jobs Lost in November