Monday, December 1, 2008

Black Folks...


Anonymous said...

oooooooooooo...........Just plain ghetto!

Anonymous said...

My people, my people....
What a shame!!!

Anonymous said...

It is understandable that black Americans are excited about a member of their race (a race which constitutes 13% of the population) winning the presidency. It is truly a cause for excitement! I would have been more excited if it had been Alan Keyes, J.C. Watts, or Condoleezza Rice but I digress. The frightening and ever-increasing manifestation I notice is the "racist" epithet hurled about so carelessly if you dare to disagree with Obama. I also dislike this personality worship I see everywhere; one Alabama county even proclaimed Barack Obama Day as a holiday. Let's not deify our leaders like this until they're out of office or at least until they're even in office.