Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is Obama Confident or Keeping Foes Close???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was adamantly opposed to Barack Obama winning the presidency. In all honesty it frightened the hell out of me. Did I believe he was intellectually capable of holding the job? Yes. Did I believe he had the experience to hold the most powerful office on earth? No. Furthermore, I think it would have been a smarter move to have chosen Evan Bayh of Indiana for a running mate.

The more Obama reveals of himself via his cabinet choices, the more at ease I find myself. What frightened me so much about Obama was how he went out of his way to cater to the fringe element of the Democratic Party that is hard left. People looked at Obama and saw "change", "hope", and an articulate speaker. I looked at Obama and saw the entity in America which I detest with a passion: Hollywood. I loathe Hollywood and see it as a menacing force.

Obama won the election and moved to the center! He has chosen a cabinet which has provoked the ire of the hard left. A web search on google finds 3.7 million articles for "liberals angry at Obama". How dare he choose moderates for his cabinet and staff! The hard left is outraged. I'm hopeful.

The President-Elect has demonstrated through these actions that he is not naive in a way reminiscent of George McGovern.

Moreover, I would be stunned if Barack Obama were as fiscally irresponsible as George W. Bush. Our national debt reached $10 trillion dollars in October 2008 and I never even saw it mentioned on the news. If Barack Obama can restore some fiscal sanity and pay down the trade deficit I would become one of his most ardent supporters.