Friday, May 23, 2008

Freudian Slip or is Senator Hillary Clinton Plain Ole Crazy?

Was that a Freudian slip or is Senator Hillary Clinton plain ole crazy? Senator Clinton suggested that she maintains her position to continue to pursue the Democratic nomination in part because of the June 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy. Is Senator Clinton inferring that the assassination of Senator Barack Obama is inevitable? And, she will assume the Democratic nomination?

Later, Senator Clinton recanted the statement. "The Kennedys have been much on my mind in the last days because of Sen. [Edward] Kennedy, and I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and particularly for the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever," Senator Clinton added.

There have been four successful presidential assassinations:
(1) Abraham Lincoln (1865)
(2) James Garfield (1881)
(3) William McKinley (1901)
(4) John F. Kennedy (1963)


Anonymous said...

senator clinton didnt say she will stay on the race because she was waiting to see if something happent to senator obama, she was ask about the duration of the campaing and she answer that it have been long campaings like senator kennedy on 1968 who won the nomination the very same night he was kill, it is asthonishing and disgusting how the media have twist her words just to have something what to talk during the long weekend. shame on the irresponsable media

Anonymous said...
