Friday, May 23, 2008

Response to Racist LSU Fans


Anonymous said...

Awesome video!

Anonymous said...

From a white man's perspective I have to say that while these guys are embarrassing to me, that does not detract from the fact that there is some truth to their statements. Blacks are a minority in this country and yet they "allegedly" commit most of the crimes. White neighborhoods have dramatically higher property values, lower crime and better scholastic performance than their black counterparts. These are facts, and they are indisputable. My personal feelings are that no one should be prejudiced against for the color of their skin, religion, et cetera, but the truth is that I have learned through life experiences to presume a black man or woman to be 'thug-like' first. If they turn out to be cool people then I am cool with them. Look, I'm just being honest, and I believe that black men, if they are completely honest, would say the same thing, conversely, i.e., when they first meet white people they assume first that they are dealing with racists.

Anonymous said...

Some of the guys had legitimate points. Some were idiots who are no better than the people they were slamming. This is a true representation of American society. I refuse to get bent out of shape by a few who aren't couragious enough to step across the racial divide and get to really no someone on the other side.

Anonymous said...

They ask the richest looking drunkest white people on the side of the road about this. It's a biased interview. Still makes me sad that LSU fans acted this way. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

WTF did they do wrong. NOTHING, freedom of speech.WHITE PEOPLE GET OSTRACIZED everytime a racist quote is blurted out, but it is okay for every other race to say what is on their mind. If the N word is so horrible, why do other blacks call each other niggers and when a white man call a black person a nigger, the shit hits the fan.